What is the difference between a live in nanny and a housekeeper?

The role of a nanny is not hidden from anyone in current scenario. But, there is a misconception among most of the people that hiring a nanny means getting different types of home tasks accomplished by her along with taking care of their children while they are out of the home. This belief is completely wrong, because the role of a nanny is stagnated only to looking after the child while his parents are out and is not responsible for assisting the parents in their home tasks. In-fact, even if parents hire a live in nanny then also they cannot expect her to help them in doing various home tasks, until unless they mutually agree for that.

Housekeepers for Hire

Well, now you might that how a live in nanny is different from a housekeeper and what types of work you can get done by both of them. To begin, let us start with the role of a live in nanny. A live in nanny in simple words is a self explanatory term that refers to the nanny who lives in your home to assist you in taking care of your child whether you are at home or not at home.

You will agree, that after the parents return back to home, there are still lots of work related with the child like looking after his laundry, food needs, cleaning his clothes, helping him in doing his home task (if he is a school going kid) playing with him, going out with him etc that parents wants to enjoy after they reach home. But along with this as they have various other home tasks they are not able to spend enough time with the little one, despite of being at home.

Therefore, going through this requirement, they prefer to hire a live in nanny who can help them in doing the task like cooking food for the little one, washing his clothes etc, so that in the mean time they can spend the remaining hours of the day with their child. In short, it can be said that a live in nanny is the person who is dedicated to look after the needs of the child throughout the day for days or months referred in their contract.

On the other side, when you hire a housekeeper, then he is like a third hand to your family who is there to help the women in accomplishing plethora of home chores, along with taking care of the child. In simple words it can be said that when you find a housekeeper in Preston or any country across the world, you can expect him/her to help you in assisting you in different types of home tasks including cleaning, dusting, cooking meals, making payment of the bills during your absence by taking necessary money, taking care of your home and child, whether you are at home or not at home.

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Here, one thing which needs to be mention is that there is only one similarity between a live in nanny and a housekeeper that both of them stays at your home to assist you, and therefore it is your moral responsibility to look after their staying arrangements and try to provide the comfort accommodation till the time they live with your family.

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